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HNN 3.0 - Supporting Tools

Please note that some tools / documents are for Health NCPs only. If you are Health NCP, we invite you to login or create an account to access Health NCP specific tools.

Question & Answer (Q&A) Documents

On January 19th, 2023, a virtual Horizon Europe Info Day was held for the health cluster by the European Commission to inform applicants about topics included in the Cluster 1 'Health' work programme of 2023. This "Q&A on Calls 2023" document will give you the links to all topic presentations and Q&A sessions including the exact time in the video where the questions are answered.

Download "Q&A on Calls 2023"

On June 1st, 2024, a virtual Horizon Europe Info Day was organized for the health cluster by the European Commission to inform applicants about topics included in the Cluster 1 'Health' work programme of 2024. This "Q&A on Calls 2024" document will give you the links to all topic presentations and Q&A sessions including the exact time in the video where the questions are answered.

Download "Q&A on Calls 2024"

Download "Q&A on new Topics 2024"

Please note that additional Q&A are accessible for Health NCPs only. If you are Health NCP, we invite you to login or create an account to access Health NCP specific information.

Find more Q&A on Calls 2024 from the 4th Health NCP meeting on 27.04.2023

On June 17th – 21st 2024, the Innovative Health Initiative (IHI) organized the virtual IHI Call Days for the Call 8 topics. The IHI Call Days aimed to inform potential applicants about the rules and procedures of the two-stage Call 8 and about each of the four topics.

The IHI Office has published the slides and videos of the topic presentations and the questions and answers (Q&A) online.

This document prepared by NCPs will give you the links to all topic presentations and Q&A sessions including the exact time in the video where the questions are answered.

Download "Q&A on IHI Call Days - Call 8"

On January 07th – 16th 2025, the Innovative Health Initiative (IHI) organized the virtual IHI Call Days for the Call 9 & 10 topics. The IHI Call Days aimed to inform potential applicants about the rules and procedures of the single-stage, applicant-driven Call 9 and the two-stage Call 10, as well as about the three topics of Call 10.

The IHI Office has published the presentation and the recording of all sessions including the questions and answers (Q&A).

This document prepared by NCPs will give you the links to all sessions including the exact time in the video where the questions are answered.

Download "Q&A on IHI Call Days - Call 9 & 10"

This workshop aimed to provide a comprehensive understanding of PCP within the Horizon Europe
framework. The event also featured an interactive Q&A session, allowing direct engagement with experts and clarify any doubts. During this session not all questions could be answered. The questions where
collected and here answers provided.

Download the Q&A from the workshop "Navigating Pre-Commercial Procurement in Horizon Europe”"

On 28 February 2023, the European Commission held a virtual info session for National Contact Points (NCPs) about “blind evaluations in Horizon Europe”. Although this event was aimed at NCPs, the recording and slides are openly available and are also useful for Horizon Europe applicants.

This document will provide you with background information, links to the European Commission presentation and a list of questions raised during the Q&A session including the exact time in the video where each question is answered.

Download "Q&A on Blind Evaluation in Horizon Europe"

Annotated Templates

The basis for this annotated version of the application template is the document “Information on clinical studies (HE)", published by the European Commission, version 4.2 of April 1st 2023.

The comments of the Health NCPs are just recommendations and suggestions. Please always follow all instructions of the European Commission.

Download "Information on Clinical Studies - Annotated Template"
- for Applicants

Please note that this document is also available with additional comments for Health NCPs. If you are Health NCP, we invite you to login or create an account to access Health NCP specific tools.

Watch the Slides and Recording of our
HNN3.0 | Webinar on the Annotated Horizon Europe template "Information on Clinical Studies"

Watch the Promo-Video

Guiding Documents

This Catalogue of partner expertise from the Widening Countries (Part 1) is a tool for Horizon Europe consortia building to identify and engage with potential partners from the Widening Countries who possess the specific skills and knowledge required for collaboration under Cluster “Health” calls. Profiles were collected from Horizon Europe Cluster “Health” centralised brokerage event and are listed as detailed profiles of individuals and their organizations, highlighting their specific skills, knowledge areas, and competencies.

Catalogue of partner expertise from the Widening Countries (Part 1)

This Toolkit on the Facility will provide support to legal entities from widening countries to join already ongoing Research and Innovation Actions (RIA) projects under the six clusters of Pillar 2 and the EIC Pathfinder of Horizon Europe.

Download "Hop-on Toolkit"

This fact sheet, developed jointly by the network of Horizon Health National Contact Points (NCPs), HNN 3.0, and the network of EU4Health National Focal Points (NFPs), NFP4Health, is intended to provide health stakeholders with a side-by-side comparison of some of the key features and possibilities of health funding within the European funding programmes Horizon Europe an EU4Health.

Download Factsheet on "Health funding in EU4Health and Horizon Europe"

The "Guideline for Partner Search" aims to guide Horizon Europe applicants in finding potential partners especially under the Health Cluster of the Programme, by providing them with tips on “how to get noticed”, how to choose the right channels to reach the right partners, and how to advertise at best their own expertise and background for R&I cooperation.

The Annex complements the "Guideline for Partner Search" and aims to guide Horizon Europe applicants, where to find Clinical Centers for Clinical Studies and how to integrate them into the project.

Download "Partner Search - How to search partners and get noticed"

Download Partner Search Annex 1 "Partner Search Tips for proposal with Clinical Studies"

The ‘Pitching Guidelines’ document contains tips for institutions from widening countries. The aim of this document is to help applicants prepare suitable materials that will have greater impact when they introduce themselves at brokerage events organised for Horizon Europe calls or other events of this type, which are mostly organised on-line.

Download Guidelines

Watch the Slides of our
HNN3.0 | Onsite training on Pitch and Hop-on

Download D6.3 Guidelines for Pitch Sessions basic level

Trainings / Webinars

On 4th of September 2024 HNN 3.0 hold this workshop to provide applicants a comprehensive understanding of PCP within the Horizon Europe framework. Participants were able to gain insights into both theoretical concepts and practical applications. The webinar also feature an interactive Q&A session, allowing direct engagement with experts and clarify any doubts.

Watch the recording of the workshop and download the presentations

The HNN 3.0 network organized this webinar together with the European Commission.

The template "Information on Clinical Studies" needs to be filled out for every Horizon Europe application, if clinical studies are planned within the project. The annotated template was prepared by the HNN 3.0 network and is intended to support applicants and Health NCPs in filling out the template and to provide information and tips.

During the webinar the annotated template was presented in detail and an overview was given of which other helpful supporting tools the HNN 3.0 network has been prepared. Questions were answered by Jan Paehler from the European Commission and HNN 3.0 Health NCPs.

Watch the recording of the webinar and download the slides

The HNN 3.0 network organized an online webinar for Cluster Health, EU4Health and Mission NCP about background and general updates of the Mission Cancer. The focus lied on clustering of projects, participation, synergies, Missions assessment and citizen engagement.

Please note that the recording of this webinar is accessible for Health NCPs only. If you are Health NCP, we invite you to login or create an account to access Health NCP specific tools.

The HNN 3.0 network organized a NCP training in The Hague, Netherlands, about the on Evaluation process. The focus of the training was on how the evaluation process is organized, what are the criteria and sub-criteria, how the evaluators are approaching the proposals and also commenting the main remarks which are found in the ESRs.

Please note that the material of this training is accessible for Health NCPs only. If you are Health NCP, we invite you to login or create an account to access Health NCP specific tools.

The aim of this webinar organized by HNN 3.0 was to learn more together about how to read and fill in the proposal template in order to be able to write a high competitive Health Horizon Europe collaborative proposal with a specific Q&A sessions during which related questions were answered.

Please note that the recording of this webinar is accessible for Health NCPs only. If you are Health NCP, we invite you to login or create an account to access Health NCP specific tools.