European funding opportunities for health projects outside of Horizon Europe
EU4Health is the EU health program implemented by the Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety (DG SANTE). EU4Health runs from 2021–2027 and continues the health topics of the previous program "Third Health Programme".
With a total budget of 5.3 billion € EU4Health contributes to the recovery after the COVID-19 crisis and aims to make health systems more resilient. The program supplements national and European funding programs in the field of health, such as Horizon Europe.
The planned activities under EU4Health are specified in annual work programs.
A Joint Action on increasing the capacity of National Focal Points (NFPs) – NFP4Health, funded under the European Public Health Programme, aims to enforce the network of National Focal Points and create sustainable actions to promote the achievement of the health objectives for the period 2021-2027.
Euratom aims to support research and training activities in the nuclear field, with a focus on continuous improvement of nuclear safety, security and radiation protection, maintenance and development of nuclear expertise and fusion energy development. The Euratom program complements the objectives and content of Horizon Europe.
The Euratom program also offers funding opportunities for health-related topics, e.g. on radiation therapy and radiation protection.
Digital Europe, with a total budget of 7.6 billion euros, supports the digital transformation throughout Europe. The Digital Europe Program has five priority areas: supercomputing, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, advanced digital skills and ensuring the widespread use of digital technologies in business and society.
The program is aimed at bridging the gap between the research of digital technologies and their use and bringing the research results to the market - for the benefit of European citizens and businesses, especially SMEs.
Some tenders will be aimed at an application in the field of health.